Launch Templates

A launch template defines the setup steps Nx Agents will run before running tasks. A custom launch template isn't required to use Nx Agents. Nx Cloud provides several pre-built launch templates for common use-cases. You can view available templates in the nx-cloud-workflows repository.

Getting Started with Custom Launch Templates

The easiest way to create a new custom launch template is to modify one of the pre-built ones. To do that, create a file in the .nx/workflows folder and copy one of the pre-built templates. You can name the file any way you want (e.g., agents.yaml) and customize the steps as needed.

Launch Template Structure


A map of launch template configurations. This value is required.

1launch-templates: 2


The name of your custom launch template. This name is used via --distribute-on="<# of agents> <template-name>" when starting the ci run. Supports one to many uniquely named launch templates. Multiple launch templates can be useful for setting up different toolchains (rust, java, node versions) or resources classes for your workspace needs.

1launch-templates: 2 template-one: 3 template-two: 4
1nx-cloud start-ci-run --distribute-on="3 template-one" 2


A launch template's resource-class defines the memory and vCPUs available to each agent machine.

1launch-templates: 2 template-one: 3 resource-class: 'docker_linux_amd64/medium' 4

The following resource classes are available:

  • docker_linux_amd64/small
  • docker_linux_amd64/medium
  • docker_linux_amd64/medium+
  • docker_linux_amd64/large
  • docker_linux_amd64/large+
  • docker_linux_amd64/extra_large
  • docker_linux_amd64/extra_large+
  • docker_linux_arm64/medium
  • docker_linux_arm64/large
  • docker_linux_arm64/extra_large
  • windows/medium

See their detailed description and pricing at


A launch template's image defines the available base software for the agent machine.

1launch-templates: 2 template-one: 3 image: 'ubuntu22.04-node20.11-v9' 4

Nx Cloud provides the following images:

Changes added in previous images are included in newer images unless otherwise denoted Images also have go 1.22 installed

  • ubuntu22.04-node20.11-v5

    • added elevated permission access via sudo
  • ubuntu22.04-node20.11-v6

  • ubuntu22.04-node20.11-v7

    • added java version 17
  • ubuntu22.04-node20.11-v9

  • windows-2022

Note: Windows-based images can only run on Windows-based resource classes.

Enterprise accounts can use custom images.


A launch template's env defines a map of environment variable names and values to be available within all steps of the specific launch template.

1launch-templates: 2 template-one: 3 env: 4 MY_ENV_VAR: 'my-var-value' 5


A launch template's init-steps defines the series of steps to perform before an Nx Agent runs. Without a defined init-steps the Nx Agent is unable to process any tasks.

Typical init-steps perform actions such as checking out your workspace source code and installing any necessary dependencies. Any extra setup your workspace needs to run should be defined as an init-step. Once all steps run successfully, the agent machine will inform Nx Cloud that it is ready to accept tasks.

1launch-templates: 2 template-one: 3 init-steps: 4


An init-step's name is the label that will be reflected in the Nx Cloud UI. name can be used in conjunction with uses and script

1launch-templates: 2 template-one: 3 init-steps: 4 - name: 'My Helpful Step Name' 5


When defined, specifies an existing step file to be used. Cannot be used when script is also defined

You can find the list of Nx Cloud reusable steps here. If you cannot find a reusable step that suits your needs, you can create your own custom steps.

1launch-templates: 2 template-one: 3 init-steps: 4 - uses: 'nrwl/nx-cloud-workflows/v4/workflow-steps/checkout/main.yaml' 5 - name: 'Install Node Modules' 6 uses: 'nrwl/nx-cloud-workflows/v4/workflow-steps/install-node-modules/main.yaml' 7


When defined, allows an inline script to be run. Cannot be used when uses is also defined

1launch-templates: 2 template-one: 3 init-steps: 4 - name: 'Print Node Version and PATH' 5 script: | 6 node -v 7 echo $PATH 8


An init-step's env is similar to the launch-template.<template-name>.env, except the environment variable map is scoped for the current step only.

1launch-templates: 2 template-one: 3 init-steps: 4 - name: 'Print Env' 5 env: 6 MY_STEP_ENV: 'step-env-var' 7 script: | 8 echo $MY_STEP_ENV # prints "step-env-var" 9


An init-step's inputs is defined by the step file in the launch-template.<template-name>.init-steps[*].uses property. Refer to the step file's documentation for specific inputs.

Validation can also be done to validate the step against the step file's defined inputs

1launch-templates: 2 template-one: 3 init-steps: 4 - name: Restore Node Modules Cache 5 uses: 'nrwl/nx-cloud-workflows/v4/workflow-steps/cache/main.yaml' 6 inputs: 7 key: 'package-lock.json|yarn.lock|pnpm-lock.yaml' 8 paths: | 9 ~/.npm 10 # or ~/.cache/yarn 11 # or .pnpm-store 12 base-branch: 'main' 13

Full Example

This is an example of a launch template using all pre-built features:

1launch-templates: 2 # Custom template name, the name is referenced via --distribute-on="3 my-linux-medium-js" 3 # You can define as many templates as you need, commonly used to make different sizes or toolchains depending on your workspace needs 4 my-linux-medium-js: 5 # see the available resource list below 6 resource-class: 'docker_linux_amd64/medium' 7 # see the available image list below 8 image: 'ubuntu22.04-node20.11-v9' 9 # Define environment variables shared among all steps 10 env: 11 MY_ENV_VAR: shared 12 # list out steps to run on the agent before accepting tasks 13 # the agent will need a copy of the source code and dependencies installed 14 init-steps: 15 - name: Checkout 16 # using a reusable step in an external GitHub repo, 17 # this step is provided by Nx Cloud: 18 uses: 'nrwl/nx-cloud-workflows/v4/workflow-steps/checkout/main.yaml' 19 - name: Restore Node Modules Cache 20 uses: 'nrwl/nx-cloud-workflows/v4/workflow-steps/cache/main.yaml' 21 # the cache step requires configuration via env vars 22 # 23 inputs: 24 key: 'package-lock.json|yarn.lock|pnpm-lock.yaml' 25 paths: | 26 ~/.npm 27 # or ~/.cache/yarn 28 # or .pnpm-store 29 base-branch: 'main' 30 - name: Install Node Modules 31 uses: 'nrwl/nx-cloud-workflows/v4/workflow-steps/install-node-modules/main.yaml' 32 - name: Install Browsers (if needed) 33 uses: 'nrwl/nx-cloud-workflows/v4/workflow-steps/install-browsers/main.yaml' 34 # You can also run a custom script to configure various things on the agent machine 35 - name: Run a custom script 36 script: | 37 git config --global 38 git config --global "Test Test" 39 # You can also set any other env vars to be passed to the following steps 40 # by setting their value in the `$NX_CLOUD_ENV` file. 41 # Most commonly for redefining PATH for further steps 42 - name: Setting env 43 script: | 44 # Update PATH with custom value 45 echo "PATH=$HOME/my-folder:$PATH" >> $NX_CLOUD_ENV 46 - name: Print path from previous step 47 # will include my-folder 48 script: echo $PATH 49 - name: Define env var for a step 50 env: 51 MY_ENV_VAR: 'env-var-for-step' 52 # will print env-var-for-step 53 script: echo $MY_ENV_VAR 54 # after you're last step Nx Agents will start accepting tasks to process 55 # no need to manually start up the agent yourself 56 57 # another template which does the same as above, but with a large resource class 58 # You're not required to define a template for every resource class, only define what you need! 59 my-linux-large-js: 60 resource-class: 'docker_linux_amd64/large' 61 image: 'ubuntu22.04-node20.11-v9' 62 env: 63 MY_ENV_VAR: shared 64 init-steps: 65 - name: Checkout 66 uses: 'nrwl/nx-cloud-workflows/v4/workflow-steps/checkout/main.yaml' 67 - name: Restore Node Modules Cache 68 uses: 'nrwl/nx-cloud-workflows/v4/workflow-steps/cache/main.yaml' 69 inputs: 70 key: 'package-lock.json|yarn.lock|pnpm-lock.yaml' 71 paths: | 72 ~/.npm 73 # or ~/.cache/yarn 74 # or .pnpm-store 75 base-branch: 'main' 76 - name: Install Node Modules 77 uses: 'nrwl/nx-cloud-workflows/v4/workflow-steps/install-node-modules/main.yaml' 78 - name: Install Browsers (if needed) 79 uses: 'nrwl/nx-cloud-workflows/v4/workflow-steps/install-browsers/main.yaml' 80 - name: Run a custom script 81 script: | 82 git config --global 83 git config --global "Test Test" 84 - name: Setting env 85 script: | 86 echo "PATH=$HOME/my-folder:$PATH" >> $NX_CLOUD_ENV 87 - name: Print path from previous step 88 script: echo $PATH 89 - name: Define env var for a step 90 env: 91 MY_ENV_VAR: 'env-var-for-step' 92 script: echo $MY_ENV_VAR 93 # template that installs rust 94 my-linux-rust-large: 95 resource-class: 'docker_linux_amd64/large' 96 image: 'ubuntu22.04-node20.11-v9' 97 init-steps: 98 - name: Checkout 99 uses: 'nrwl/nx-cloud-workflows/v4/workflow-steps/checkout/main.yaml' 100 - name: Restore Node Modules Cache 101 uses: 'nrwl/nx-cloud-workflows/v4/workflow-steps/cache/main.yaml' 102 inputs: 103 key: 'package-lock.json|yarn.lock|pnpm-lock.yaml' 104 paths: | 105 ~/.npm 106 # or ~/.cache/yarn 107 # or .pnpm-store 108 base-branch: 'main' 109 - name: Install Node Modules 110 uses: 'nrwl/nx-cloud-workflows/v4/workflow-steps/install-node-modules/main.yaml' 111 - name: Install Rust 112 script: | 113 curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.3 -sSf | sh -s -- -y 114 source "$HOME/.cargo/env" 115 rustup toolchain install 1.70.0 116 # persist cargo bin into PATH 117 echo "PATH=$HOME/.cargo/bin:$PATH" >> $NX_CLOUD_ENV 118

These templates can be used by passing the number of agents desired, and the template name via --distribute-on when starting your CI run.

1nx-cloud start-ci-run --distribute-on="4 my-linux-medium-js" 2
1nx-cloud start-ci-run --distribute-on="4 my-linux-large-js" 2
1nx-cloud start-ci-run --distribute-on="4 my-linux-large-rust" 2

Validating Launch Templates

Commit before Validation

Before Nx Cloud can validate your custom templates, you must first commit any changes to these templates to your source control repository. Running the validation command from a CI is the recommended approach.

After creating your custom launch template, it's recommended to validate it. This ensures that all necessary fields within the launch template and all respective inputs within each step are appropriately defined.

To do this, run the nx-cloud validate command, with the path to the launch template:

nx-cloud validate --workflow-file=./.nx/workflows/agents.yaml

Pass Environment Variables to Agents

If you need to send environment variables to agents, you can use the --with-env-vars flag on the nx-cloud start-ci-run command. You can pass a specific list of environment variables like this:

1nx-cloud start-ci-run --distribute-on="8 linux-medium-js" --with-env-vars="VAR1,VAR2" 2

Pass Values Between Steps

If you need to pass a value from one step to another step, such as assigning the value to an existing or new environment variable. You can write to the NX_CLOUD_ENV environment file.

Commonly used for redefining the PATH or setting options for tooling.

1launch-templates: 2 my-template-name: 3 init-steps: 4 - name: Set PATH 5 script: echo "PATH=$HOME/.cargo/bin:$PATH" >> $NX_CLOUD_ENV 6 - name: Check PATH 7 script: | 8 # now contains $HOME/.cargo/bin 9 echo $PATH 10 # can invoke cargo directly because it's in the PATH now. 11 cargo --version 12

Private NPM Registry

If your project consumes packages from a private registry, you'll have to set up an authentication step in a custom launch template and authenticate like you normally would, usually this is via a .npmrc or .yarnrc file. You can pass the auth token from your main agent, so it's available to the agent machines.

1launch-templates: 2 my-linux-medium-js: 3 resource-class: 'docker_linux_amd64/medium' 4 image: 'ubuntu22.04-node20.11-v9' 5 init-steps: 6 - name: Checkout 7 uses: 'nrwl/nx-cloud-workflows/v4/workflow-steps/checkout/main.yaml' 8 - name: Auth to Registry 9 script: | 10 # create .npmrc with @myorg scoped packages pointing to GH npm registry 11 echo "@myorg:registry=" >> .npmrc 12 echo "//${SOME_AUTH_TOKEN}" >> .npmrc 13 - name: Install Node Modules 14 uses: 'nrwl/nx-cloud-workflows/v4/workflow-steps/install-node-modules/main.yaml' 15

Pass SOME_AUTH_TOKEN via --with-env-vars

1# this assumes SOME_AUTH_TOKEN is already defined on the main agent 2nx-cloud start-ci-run --distribute-on="5 my-linux-medium-js" --with-env-vars="SOME_AUTH_TOKEN" 3

Custom Node Version

Nx Agents come with node LTS installed. If you want to use a different version, you can add a step to install the desired node version.

Nx Cloud provides a pre-built step to install a custom node version within your workflow. This step is available as of v4 of the workflow steps and requires the minimum image version to be ubuntu22.04-node20.11-v9.

1launch-templates: 2 node-21: 3 resource-class: 'docker_linux_amd64/medium' 4 # note the image version of v9, 5 # earlier versions of the base image will not work 6 image: 'ubuntu22.04-node20.11-v9' 7 init-steps: 8 - name: Checkout 9 uses: 'nrwl/nx-cloud-workflows/v4/workflow-steps/checkout/main.yaml' 10 - name: Install Node 11 # note the step is only released as of v4 of the workflow steps 12 uses: 'nrwl/nx-cloud-workflows/v4/workflow-steps/install-node/main.yaml' 13 inputs: 14 # can omit value if a '.nvmrc' file is within the root of the repo 15 node_version: '21' 16

Specific Package Manager Version

Nx Agents have corepack enabled by default, allowing you to define the yarn or pnpm version via the package.json.

1{ 2 "packageManager": "yarn@4.1.1" 3} 4
Supported Package Managers

Currently, corepack only supports yarn or pnpm as package managers. If you need to use a specific npm version, you will need to create a custom launch template and install the specific npm version, i.e. npm install -g npm@<version>

Installing Packages on Nx Agents

You can use apt to install popular linux packages. This is helpful in streamlining setting up various toolchains needed for your workspace.

For example, you can install the GitHub CLI on the agents if needed.

1launch-templates: 2 my-linux-medium-js: 3 resource-class: 'docker_linux_amd64/medium' 4 image: 'ubuntu22.04-node20.11-v9' 5 init-steps: 6 - name: Install Extras 7 script: | 8 sudo apt install gh unzip zip -y 9
Installing without apt

If you're trying to install a package that isn't available on apt, check that packages install steps for Debian base linux. Usually there are a handful of installation scripts that can be used similar to nvm

Dynamic Changesets

NxCloud can calculate how big your pull request is based on how many projects in your workspace it affects. You can then configure Nx Agents to dynamically use a different number of agents based on your changeset size.

Here we define a small, medium and large distribution strategy:

1distribute-on: 2 small-changeset: 3 linux-medium-js 3 medium-changeset: 8 linux-medium-js 4 large-changeset: 12 linux-medium-js 5

Then you can pass the path to the file to the --distribute-on parameter.

1nx-cloud start-ci-run --distribute-on=".nx/workflows/dynamic-changesets.yaml" 2


You can add steps to your template which print information about your workspace, toolchains, or any other needs. Below are some common steps people use for debugging such as running nx commands, printing file contents and/or listing directory contents.

Environment Variables

Exercise caution when printing out environment variables, they will be shown in plain text.

1launch-templates: 2 my-linux-medium-js: 3 resource-class: 'docker_linux_amd64/medium' 4 image: 'ubuntu22.04-node20.11-v9' 5 env: 6 # enable verbose logging for all steps 7 NX_VERBOSE_LOGGING: true 8 init-steps: 9 - name: 'Debug: Print Nx Report' 10 script: | 11 nx report 12 - name: 'Debug: List Directory Contents' 13 script: | 14 echo $HOME 15 ls -la $HOME 16 output_dir=$HOME/dist 17 # if output directory exists list it's contents 18 if [ -d output_dir ]; then 19 ls -la $output_dir 20 else 21 echo "$output_dir does not exist" 22 fi 23 - name: 'Debug: Show File Contents' 24 script: | 25 cat $HOME/.profile 26 - name: 'Debug: Check For Checkout Files' 27 script: | 28 git diff 29 - name: 'Debug: Print Versions' 30 script: | 31 # note if you use yarn and try to run pnpm, corepack might throw an error at you 32 # saying you're using the wrong package manager, in that case just remove the usage of pnpm 33 echo "Versions:" 34 echo "Node: $(node -v)" 35 echo "NPM: $(npm -v)" 36 echo "Yarn: $(yarn -v)" 37 echo "PNPM: $(pnpm -v)" 38 echo "Golang: $(go version)" 39 echo "Java: $(javac --version)" 40 # add any other toolchain you want 41 - name: 'Debug: Print env' 42 script: | 43 # !!! DO NOT RUN THIS IF YOU HAVE PASSWORD/ACCESS TOKENS IN YOUR ENV VARS !!! 44 # this will print your env as plain text values to the terminal 45 env 46 # This is a safer approach to prevent leaking tokens/passwords 47 echo "SOME_VALUE: $SOME_VALUE" 48